Pars Caeli takes on AltNYC - the people

Indulge me, please, friends. I have stories to tell from my first ever trip to New York City and AltNYC!! Amidst these recollections are some gems of wisdom from giants in the blogging industry, lovely images from the one and only Justin Hackworth (thanks Atly for sponsoring these amazing photos), and the buds of a few really great ideas that will be coming your way in the next few months.

To sum up my experience, this. Yes, this is how huge my grin was for the vast majority of my journey. Meeting friends that I've been corresponding with for months and jumping on new opportunities. Thanks to Paige for capturing the essense of me in NYC, and thanks to Emily for those incredible earrings.

From the numerous emails back and forth before purchasing tickets down to the final sentimental hugs goodbye, Paige and Emily made AltNYC an easy-breezy, glamourous, and downright hilarious trip for me, and I'm so glad we decided to triple up in our queen suite and make a glamping escapade out of the whole thing. See below: beautiful roommates with attitude

In addition to saving my business card future and giving me an insiders look at Brooklyn (these stories still to come), these two had my back and were the extra boost that I needed to power through that gasping feeling I woke up with the morning of AltNYC - AKA I'm going to Martha's offices this morning, ack!

For those of you not in the know on Alt, Altitude Summit was started by Gabrielle Blair and her sister Sarah a handful of years ago. Originally the conference was offered as a multiple-day event in Salt Lake City. Now, it's tranformed into events in NYC and San Francisco as well as an entirely digital conference focused on design, social media, and the best of creative content.

Gabrielle's blog, Design Mom, was the very first blog I followed, and one of the few definitive things I wanted to accomplish during my time at Alt was to meet Gabrielle.

During a break on Thursday, when poor Gabby was trying to catch up on a few emails, I totally interrupted her, showed off my lack of shame, and thanked her for the years of inspiration. I am a total believer that you have to support the people and organizations that you love, and it was on my bucket list to give my girl a hug, in real life.


And yes, she is that classy in real life, too.

Before AltNYC I began collecting all the blog and blogger info I could get my mouse on to tag it on a Pinterest board. Check out all the amazingness that went along with me to AltNYC over here on Pinterest. Turned out that Joy's tip on looking like my profile picture for the conference was a hugely helpful one!! Gals from all over were able to identify my bun and stripes, and I was greeted with so, so many warm, "Oh, you're MJ.."s.

I met dozens and dozens of incredible, creative, passionate bloggers (who also design, write, mother, photograph, style, travel, and bake), and I was completely inspired by the buzz of energy that filled the gigantic room. The extrovert in me was so charged I couldn't fall asleep til 3 AM following the conversations with ladies like this (all photos by Justin Hackworth; he's the man):

Okay, Martha and I didn't actually have a conversation, but she did stop by, and I was a bit overwhelmed!

Laicie of 1000 Threads (class and warmth)

Leslie Fandrich and Jen of Classic Play (cool, confident kids)

The ladies of ObsessSesh (hilarious and down to earth)

Amy and Alexandra and Molly and Mariah

As well as dozens of other gals for whom I don't have photos!!

And these gals on the rooftop of Martha's HQs

Emily, Paige, Theresa, and Ellen

All of these beauties taught me a little something different, and if I could, I'd wade in the diversity and freshness we all brought to the table. Spunk, passion, intelligence, and an incredible eye for design.

That's what I found in the people of AltNYC.

Tomorrow, my friends, I have the business cards that will delight you, and I'll tell you the tale of the cards that almost weren't. Stay tuned on Thursday to learn great ideas that you can apply to your life (blogger or not) from AltNYC.

Kisses to all,


PS. If you want to see even more of the experience from my view, head over to Instagram and follow #parscaeliatAltNYC to see start to finish.

PPS. Thanks again to Justin for these gorgeous photographs!!

Altitude Summit New York City

Ahhhhhhh and EEEEEEk. Sorry to greet you with such outbursts this morning, but I'm HERE friends. This thing that I've been contemplating and pondering and wishing about, it's here. And I'm here in New York City for the first time ever.

Super big thanks to my hubs who has loved this blog into being through his abundant support and encouragement. This whole experience is a treat for me planned out by him. Thank you, dear.

Hugs and kisses to my kiddos who are gonna make my time away no less than exciting for him, too. Listen to your father.

I'm reposting the reflection I did from my armchair during AltSLC. I've been an #altsummitwannabe for a while so enjoy the tongue-in-cheek rendition.

If you want a window into what's going on live, join me over on Instagram at @parscaeli. Hoping to snag some great photos. You can also follow the hashtag #ParsCaeliatAltNYC.

Wish me luck!

xoxo, MJ


Originally posted January 2013:

As many of you know, I'm a big fan of Alt Summit. I've followed founder and co-owner, Gabrielle Blair, for years, and I've learned oodles from their online classes through the Alt Channel. I actually purchased a ticket to Alt NYC and had to cancel out. To me the brand that Alt has established is one of unique, fresh, over-the-top creativity, unsurpassed in its innovation and attention to detail.

I blog for fun, to connect with lovelies around the world, to stay inspired... so I can't say, like many of my blogger buds, that heading to Utah for a few days was a noteworthy and important business expense. I kinda just wanted to go to dance the night away with friends and be wowed by the great business cards and keynotes. Maybe bring back some signature swag. Is that so wrong?

In my head, no.

However, 2013 was not my year for Alt SLC.

If you follow Pars Caeli on Instagram (yeah, come on over, I have some really corny jokes for you), you saw my ode to the magnificence and rockstar partying through the hashtag "altsummitwannabe." Yes, yes, I do use humor as a coping mechanism. For example, I did enjoy this round table discussion but maybe not as much as I would have if Jen and Sandra were leading it.

My networking opportunities? Well, not so Alt fab.

But, at least I could add my homage to blogging through my fashion choices (while my ladies touted a much grander sense of style...)

Big, big thanks to my tweeps who played along and offered their own glimpses into what an Alt Summit Wannabe's world looks like.

Honesty here? Despite getting a nibble from sponsors, I knew I couldn't attend Alt SLC this year when I found out the date. Why? My daughter, C, age five, had her first ballet performance on Saturday. Until now she's been overcome by stagefright despite her amazing natural abilities and love for dance (no bias here). So, though I was swayed by the glamour and the glitter, I knew I had to be in the auditorium seat with my loud clapping hands and gleaming smile to cheer on my favorite new ballerina.

That doesn't keep me from getting all that I can from the photos, quotes, and detailed recaps floated out on my favorite blogs. And when you find something this good, well, you just have to share it.

You'll find below an unmatched list of amazing recaps for those of you who fell into the Alt Summit Wannabe category and for you beautiful attendees, too. Have a missed some awesomeness that must be shared? Post it in the comments, and I'll update the blog roll here.

  • You're gonna wanna read all 73 of these lessons from And Then We Saved learned
  • Catherine shows off her outfits over on Walking with Cake
  • Even amazing bloggers like Megan need a burst of inspiration. Read how she got her groove back over at the Fresh Exchange
  • The dynamo Melanie recaps the highlights we can all take away over on Inward Facing Girl
  • Over at Mama love Papa, Morgan admits (we already knew it) her great affinity and talent in photo booths and pinpoints great speakers
  • Adina from Gluten Free Travelette throws down some bulleted lists you don't want to miss
  • Gabriel, AKA the Artful Desperado, offers some advice we don't often hear on Alt
  • Erin from Art Social has everything you need to know
  • Mariah has the skinny on how to make amazing photos with props on Oh, What Love Studios
  • Designer Rachel of Pencil Shavings Studio put together an awesome takeaway menu from her time
  • A brilliant recap of mega talent, Stefan Sagmeister's naked keynote from Sandra at Raincoast Cottage
  • And don't miss Sandra's notes from her roundtable with Jen from Classic Play: Makers Gotta Make
  • Two great posts from Erika of Foxtrot Press to keep us thinking and engaged, check here and here
  • The Curbly viewpoint offered by Alicia
  • All sorts of inspiration and notes from PJ over at Bunny and Dolly
  • You better believe that bloggers hustle harder, and Amber over at Damask Love has all the info
  • Kristiina reveals 5 things she didn't expect to learn over on a Typical Housecat
  • Cal has great photos and insights from her experience. Check them out over at Call Me Cal
  • Speaking of awesome photos, you gotta check out Karen's over at Chookooloonks
  • Jill of Terra Savvy shares some lovely thoughts on Alt the second time around
  • You must see Brittany from the House of that Lars Built unbelievable hat (and all the other fun)
  • The New Diplomat's Wife says it all in five quotes
  • Little Lessy takes you through each day's lessons with great graphics, too.
  • Lisa of Elembee breaks it all down in two posts for us, find here and here
  • Need Alt survival tips? Get them from our girl Squirrelly Minds, Tan
  • Lauren gives us the deets on her outfits and her takeways on Stylized Existence
  • Allison of Engaged and Inspired shares her snapshots
  • Party like its Alt SLC from the one and only Kelly of StudioDIY
  • Leslie reminds us of the power of friendship through her experiences at Alt and making new connections over on her blog Leslie Fandrich
  • Side note: she also took photos of some of my favorite Alt people - go check out those gorgeous gals
  • A must-see: Sheri's showcase of the Alt business cards over on Donuts, Dresses, and Dirt
  • Joy tells it like no other and reminds us to be our truest selves and shares the secrets from successful bloggers on Frock Files

** Hugs to all of you beautiful people who have come back to check on things while I've been away. Did I tell you that I've missed you?






Endless Summer Projects: A House Fit for a Bug

Hello lovelies!

Shouting out to you from the road today. I'm on a crack-of-dawn flight out of Chicago this morning, and I'm on my way to meet some great friends and enjoy a delicious dinner in New York City.

I'm not leaving you lonely though!! I have a fabulous project to share from the incredible Jen of Classic Play. I have had a handful of mommas ask me how we're filling our days this summer. Well, guess what? We are making bug houses! That's a great response, right?

We're growing caterpillars/butterflies right now, and my children have been mesmerized by the growth cycle. I can get all three of them calm and excited (interesting combo) just by sitting down next to the butterfly netting to observe for 3 minutes. It's a great transition method. My son calls these four creatures our new pets. And what would a new pet want more than.... a beautiful house.

So head on over to Jen's blog and check out all the details. We'll be back next Wednesday with another fun project from Melissa over at Lulu the Baker. Stay tuned.

And speaking of Lulu, I'm in her kitchen today! Well, you know, on her feature In My Kitchen - though I would love to head over to Melissa's home because I know I'd grab a handful of these, and she'd support me all the way. Can you guess how I answered this question... In my kitchen, I cook up...

Hint: it's not edible.

Don't forget to follow the madness that is my first trip to NYC and AltNYC on Instagram and Twitter at #ParsCaeliatAltNYC

xoxo, MJ


Celebrate the Normal: Or the Abnormal?

Happiness all around, friends!! We had an enriching Father's Day weekend (read: lots of time together, relaxing in warm sun), and we're off and running for a busy week. The kiddos are involved in a new round of day camps, and I'm packing my carry-on for Alt NYC.

My trip to NYC will involve many dreams-come-true for me, not the least of which is spending real-life time with my pal, Paige and Miss Emily, too. I will have the opportunity to experience an event that I've been following for years (remember my tongue-in-cheek series #altsummitwannabe?).

This blog has allowed me to give myself permission to grow and bloom and spread my creative wings wide and now I have the chance to bring personal connection into the equation. And I'm so excited. And ready to bring my A game.

I will be capturing as much as I can on Instagram so follow along if you're up for the ride at #ParsCaeliatAlt. Oh, and did I mention that I've never been to NYC? So fantastic!!

Thank yous go out to this week's fabulous artists. I feel like this is the most diverse set of photographs yet!

My friend Joy from Frock Files,an amazing contributor to this series every week, found this beautiful ode to the normal day over Here. Thanks to Joanne and Joy for the loveliness of these words:

“Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return.” ― poem by Mary Jean Irion

Make room for wonder ~ Brittani

First bike ride ever ~ M.J.

Celebrating fathers and sons ~ Marilynn

My 3 yr old "made" me "cups of strings". Not sure what I should be doing with these but they make me smile. :) ~ Karen

Totally out of the norm: finding pretty bras that fit. On sale. Halleleujah! ~ Joy

An unexpected visitor wanted to go to work with me today. I wasn't a fan... ~ teddy4775 on Instagram

Long night walks = the best! Especially when there's a meteor shower to enjoy together. ~ Melanie

My Mom's Bougainvillea plant that was nothing but a half dead twig a year ago. It is now about 8 feet wide and 10 feet tall. ~ JenMygatt on Instagram

xoxo, MJ

PS. If you are heading into AltNYC, check out Koseli's very helpful ideas on how to make the most of the experience.


MJ and the horrible, no good, very bad day.

This is how I would title my Monday. Midafternoon, sitting at our second gas pump, also empty of gas, I turned to my 6- and 8-year old daughters and said, "Remember that book 'Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day'?"

C, the 6-year old, "Mommy, you're having one of those days, aren't you?"

I'm grateful she gets me.

I should have smelled the stress of the day in the morning when THE totally dependable friend was unable to pick my daughter as we had planned. Now as the primary chauffeur I needed to take her (already an hour late) into art camp which then delayed the golf camp and then delayed the preschooler activities.

And then at work it was, of course, the day that we all really needed to meet to discuss a large project. I arrived just in the nick of time to begin the meeting but then had to remove myself gracefully after 15 minutes.

It was already time for me to begin again and drive to pick up all the campers and deposit them in their respective homes.

And all this driving created an immediate need for a gasoline.

And apparently hundreds of other cars also needed gasoline as I tried to squeak out the last drop of two pumps run dry.

Anyway, let me skip through the chapters of the horrible, no good, very bad day and simply say that all the small things in life that could go wrong, well, they did go wrong on Monday.

Of course this was all amplified by the absence of my husband and the huge help he is to calm me, to care for the kids, and to wrap his arms around the troubles of life.

Despite my low-grade frustration all day long, I found myself laughing internally as if asking the universe, "What are you sending me next?"

I started to play a game with it. I dared the Universe to show me just how spent I would feel after the next event.

And the more I made a game of it and the ridiculousness of it all, I found myself smiling, laughing, and making deliberate efforts to change my perspective on the day.

Life can be one big ball of frustration and rapid-fire challenge.

But truth is, we have each other (like I did with the friends who offered to watch my children longer), and we have our sense of perspective (skewed as that may be at times), and, a real gift to me, we even have laughter if we can allow ouselves to be open to it...


Unclenching fists

Relaxing shoulders

Finding the light-hearted in every situation.


This is my wish for you today.

xoxo, MJ





Endless Summer Projects: Rings of Color Sharpie Dyed Shirts

It's my turn! (I am so bad at delayed gratification.)

Time to welcome you all to another wonderful Endless Summer Project from the team of hyper-cool moms: Melissa, Alexandra, Jen, and me If you stepped into the vast wormhole of the internet last week and missed Alexandra's hopping backyard BBQ, you missed a safe alternative to horseshoes, a great grilling recipe, and an adult beverage to adore. Skip on over and enjoy... and then come right back. Or maybe go check out Melissa's cute mosaic stepping stones first. And THEN return, bright-eyed and bushy-talled to check out our Rings of Color Sharpie Dyed Shirts!!


Last summer we did a great tie dye shirt project together, and my children loved crafting and wearing their shirts. To kick off our summer together, I wanted to make another wearable piece, and what could be better than an excuse to use Sharpie markers?

This project is totally inspired by the great Martha Stewart (I'm hoping we'll be BFFs after next week). To see a helpful video on how to, go here.

Here's what you need:

  • Light-colored shirts
  • Sharpie markers - be sure to avoid contrasting colors unless you want brown hues
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Eye dropper
  • Circular surface
  • Rubber bands
  • Cookie sheets

We took our project to the backyard for more summertime fun, but this craft is safe enough to do in a clear spot inside for a foolproof rainy day creation, too!


Neon is all over the place this summer so we chose new NEON Sharpies. Their saturation was a great choice for the brilliance in color palette.

Step One: Insert a clean cookie sheet into the t-shirt. This will prevent the alcohol and markers from bleeding through to the back of the shirt.


Step Two: Visualize your design (or not). My girls and I decided we wanted to created a strip of colors that ran down just one side of the shirt so we planned out where we wanted the circular shapes to go. If you're more into free form, you can set up one circle at a time and add as your fancy desires.

Step Three: Insert the circle object underneath the top layer of the shirt. Secure its placement with a rubber band.


Step Four: Draw thicker dots with Sharpies in a ring pattern.


Step Five: The fun!! Fill an eye dropper with isopropyl alcohol. Squeeze out one drop at a time and watch the colors slowly bleed. Try different effect for dropping it inside the circle where no color is and dropping it right onto the dots themselves. To keep your colors more brilliant, limit your drops of alcohol. To spread your circles the most, keep adding drops.


Step Six: If you don't want the rings to bleed into one another, be sure to wait until the alcohol has mostly dried before moving on OR spread out the rings so that they do not overlap.


Step Seven: Allow the alcohol to dry (mostly) and flip to the other side to create more patterns and fun! Once the alcohol has dried completely on both sides, remove from cookie sheet. Pop in the dryer for 5-10 minutes (on its own) to set colors.

Step Eight: Wear to your heart's desire! Colors should now be set within the fibers but I'd still recommend washing with like tones on the first machine wash.


Fair warning here, friends: fun projects like this might ensue a whole lot of sillyness and laughter so be prepared to make great summer memories.


Sidenote: Sharpies bleed in the most wonderful ways so for my 3-year old son, we made a striped shirt. Try your hand at all sorts of patterns and shapes! L wore this for three days straight until I had to cut him off. :)


So grab your Sharpies, friends, and get creating!! We'd love to see your creations - share them with us using the hashtag #endlesssummerprojects and look for sneak peeks of Jen's fabulous project for next week!

Here's to an endless summer of childhood fun.

xoxo, MJ

Celebrate the Normal: This is summer

Hey friends, Happy Tuesday to you!!! How's this week started off for you? So far Monday was a frustration, and Tuesday has been jam-packed with work. We are week #1 of summer vacation for my three kids.

With a mom and dad who work full-time, these balls of energy spend their mornings busy at a variety of camps and then home with me in the afternoons. I so look forward to our summers together. Though I'm always more preoccupied with work than I'd like, it's our time to take on new projects, lie in the grass, and eat every meal outside.

However, transitions from one schedule to another are not my specialty, and this first week moving away from the school schedule and in to the summer version is always more stressful than I anticipate. Note to self: be sure to have wine and chocolate close at hand for this first week of summer.

Your glimpses of summer have dropped my blood pressure and brought a hint of jealousy here and there (check out Joy's photo below). Seriously, why don't we all live in Hawaii??

Summer at home in Hawaii. ~ Joy

Summertime ~ MJ

Unexpected beauty in the hospital parking lot ~ Melanie

~ Julia

Oh, you don't photograph your family while they brush their teeth? Lame. ~ scatt85 on Instagram

Yesterday's "swimming with frogs" session. ~ Jen on Instagram at @jenmygatt

I love her to the moon and back ~ Jill

This is summer ~ Brittani

Fresh, local strawberries. So pretty. So tasty. ~ Meagan

Thank you, thank you to all of our talented artists this week. I really enjoyed seeing your view of summertime. To help keep in fresh around here, we switching things up for next week.

Next Tuesday, I'll be in a full-on panic mode, getting ready for my first ever trip to New York City. I'm headed there for the Alt Summit NYC conference at Martha Stewart's HQ. I'm rooming with two great blogging pals and getting to meet dozens of ladies with whom I've collaborated in the last year. I'm more than over the moon about this and also slightly scared out of my mind (jeepers).

So in honor of being bold and putting yourself out there, we'll be celebrating the abnormal next Tuesday. I'll be watching for posts and photos up until next Sunday at midnight.

And while I'm in NYC, I'll be sending ridiculous photos your way with the #ParsCaeliatALT, and I'll be sure to recap my out-of-the-ordinary experience for you!!

Snap and gram away, my lovelies. And let's capture some of the unusal and amazing things going on around us.

xoxo, MJ

In consideration of silence

I'm an ENFJ. For those of you that follow personality tests and self-reflection exercises, those initials come from the Myers-Briggs. That E in the front reflects Extroversion, and I am just barely (by one tiny point) an extrovert. Depending on the setting and mood I'm in (smile), I can gain a lot of energy from being with people. And on other occasions, I become quickly tired by groups and crowds.

In the big, loud culture of the United States, I find myself longing for silence.

I once spent three days in complete silence - by choice. A friend and I drove down to the Trappist Monastery in Kentucky. We had decided to stay with the monks as guests for three days and follow along their daily rhythms. By that I mean, no speaking, sunrise/noonday/sunset/evening prayers, and simple community meals.

For the first 24 hours I thought I was going mad. The need to say something - anything - seemed bigger than I could squelch.

This time away predated the rise of the smart phone, but I still felt the urge to fill the silence with the radio, my own hummings, even noises from my simple guest room furniture.

As the monks informed us upon entrance, it usually takes at least 24 hours to quiet your mind. My first day was much less peaceful and relaxing than I had imagined.

But by day two I felt my body accepting the softness of silence. The quiet was healing. Giving myself the time to be in my own skin.

What are your thoughts on silence?

What role does silence play these days? If our hearing is not already filled up with TV ads and shows, new albums from the latest bands, phones that beep/buzz, where can the silence come in.

I am slowly teaching my children to appreciate the quiet ouside of themselves in order to find the quiet inside.

Could you do it? Remain silent and quiet for an afternoon? A day? A week? Perhaps it's what you've always wanted or your worst nightmare.

xoxo, MJ

A Key to Success

I've been at this blogging thing for 426 days or so, and I want to share with you a little something I've learned in these days.

Here it is:


Yes, there it is. The public conception of a blog might include ideas of narcissism, self-centeredness, vanity, and well, you can name the rest.

From my piece on the interweb, I can tell you that when I moved from a focus of oh-my-gosh-I-have-so-many-important-things-to-share to how-can-I-connect-with-that-amazing-person, a whole range of possibilities opened up.

I actually heard this phrase from a seminarian at my Church a number of weeks ago. As he sits, studying for exams and sometimes feeling frustrated with his workload, he looks up to see these words. I've been stewing over them for a number of days now.

Really it applies to our lives as mothers and fathers, sisters, daughters. Pretty much as human beings.

As I've read reader comments, listened through words shared on Twitter, and taken classes to hone my skills, I've become more and more passionate about getting the best information, people, ideas to share with my readers. You all have become an important group for me to consider.

So my recommendation for success? Go out there and read blogs, and make positive, meaningful comments. Retweet great ideas (that are not yours) or even better - craft your own 140 characters that reveals your insights into posts - and create your own message to promote someone else. Invite guest bloggers and be a guest blogger when asked. Pin good material and spread great work.

I think we're only going to get to the top if we push each other up.

And, in the end, if Pars Caeli gets page views, well, I'll treat myself to a Hershey's bar. (wait...

And if I don't, great individuals know a little bit more how talented they really are and great ideas are communicated a bit more broadly.

I can live happily with that.

As an aside, these connections, collaborations, and good old-fashioned promotions of awesome people have enhanced my cool factor quite substantially. At least in my head.

In that spirit, I'm DElighted to share with you two wonderful bright spots:

Endless Summer Projects began just last week with an entire 12-week experience of kid-loving crafts. Kicking it all off was organizer extraordinaire Melissa (AKA: Lulu the Baker) and her adorable Mosaic Stepping Stones project.

Endless Summer Projects continues this week over at Alexandra's blog. Please, please give yourself the treat of watching her vlog about how to host the most charming weeknight barbeque. Memorable moments include a great reinvention of the game horseshoes and recipes you do not want to overlook. Warning: you might be humming her happy soundtrack for a while after viewing. So good.


I'm hosting next week's project so be sure to come back here (or to any of my sistas pages) to join in the amusement.

Second bright spot:

My uber talented pal, Joy, from Frock Files has started something I kinda always hoped she would... Frock Photography.

You owe it to yourself to read her homepage/mission statement. So well done.

And since my friendship with Joy enables you to win, too, she's offering you all a discount!! Send her a message (or use that crisp, clean contact form) this week, and you'll save on her incredible styling and photography skills.

Thanks so much for coming back here to add to the growth of Pars Caeli. Your presence is so appreciated!

xoxo, MJ

PS. One last goodie for all y'all bloggers - We're changing our names from bloggers to publishers. Walk on over to this post to read why.

Celebrate the Normal: Just for Me

Hi friends! We've landed ourselves in June already. And June and July spell SUMMMER!! I am so ready for the easy breezes, pool time, tons of watermelon, even the smell of sunscreen. My children finish school this week, and this is the first week of a very full summer work schedule for me.

So my time to tend to Celebrate the Normal shrunk all too quickly this week. Nevertheless, some great artists captured the normal beauty found all around us. Enjoy and savor.

Beauty is all around. ~ Brittani

Relaxing. Cross Stitching. Me time. ~ Melanie

Watching the ships roll in. And then watch 'em roll away again. ~ Mojo

Enjoying my view. ~ Jill

A reminder that we're doing big things, which are both possible and worth it. ~ Joy

Floating flowers from the garden make me happy! ~ teddy4775 on Instagram

Glimpses of summer. It will be here soon! ~ Theresa


After finally taking off the baby swing, this big girl managed flips with no problem. ~ MJ


A perk of living a mile from the zoo/conservatory ~ Julia

Bye bye birdie ~ Meagan

Pure Michigan ~ MariaRom15 on Instagram

{Water} ...a morning dew drop caught in the leaf of one of our Sugar Snap Pea plants. ~ Jen at JenMygatt on Instagram

As many of embark on a summer filled with activities, full days and full schedules, I'm hoping we remember that it's time. It's always the right time to celebrate. Life is very normal most days, and we rarely appreciate the many normal blessings around us until they go away.

So I'm scheduling in some time to really taste that grilled flavor on my corn on the cob before I rush off to get the kids ready for baths. And I'm going to laugh more heartily over my husband's jokes, that he's concocted just for my amusement. And I'm going to squeeze my kiddos a little longer and a little tighter because I feel those minds and bodies growing with each passing day.

Celebrating the normal because, as I've heard before, the stuff of your normal days (even your really bad days) are the makings of someone else's dreams.

Next week we're showing off the summertime all around us. What does normal summer joy look like?

Thank you, thank you, wonderful artists!!! Some moments I want to crawl inside your photos and celebrate the normal on your side. :)

xoxo, MJ

Surprise Memory for the School Year's End

Today I'm doing one of my favorite end-of-the-school-year gestures. It's a present I'll give to my children in ten to twelve years. Pat on the back for early prep on this, right?

As a teacher, I found the last week of school such a roller coaster of highs and lows - wanting to keep the children I'd grown to cherish, wishing them success with new role models and guides, ready to bust open the doors to summer relaxation.

Looking to find some way to capture the emotion of the final days of school, I searched the interwebs to express the bittersweet experience for my children.

What I found (and loved!) was this sweet idea from MaryLea. Do you all know her? If not, take a peek at the hundreds of art projects she has going over at Pink and Green Mama.

I asked my children's teachers (and their aides) to write notes on the interior pages of a loved book. From here to there from there to here, I'm a big-big Dr. Seuss fan so I purchased three copies of "Oh, the Places You'll Go." I was happily delighted with the amount of time each teacher spent, thinking about what my daughters and son will be like as high school seniors. Each educator highlighted particular gifts that my children had shared and wished them a generous journey ahead.

These words will mean so much in years to come as the distance from preschool snack time and recess grows.

So, go buy a great book for the child in your life. Send it and a very thankful note in a sealed, discrete envelope (or drop it off at the school office) a week or two before the school year ends. Volunteer to come back to receive the signed book the second-to-last day of school. And then tuck the book away in a special place until next year when the message gets added.

*The key here: not forgetting that special place from year to year.

Sending you and yours warm wishes for the endings ahead.

xoxo, MJ

Let Endless Summer begin!

Welcome to it, my friends!! A new series launching today and coming to you every Wednesday this summer. I've teamed up with some of my favorite mommas in the blogosphere to bring you fun and to keep your kiddos engaged in fabulous projects.

Let me introduce you to the gorgeous gals collaborating with me on Endless Summer:

This is going to be an amazing summer thanks to these ladies. We are showing you parties and recipes, backyard fun and art projects, and a few charmed surprises that will make you wish on an evening star for a few more days of childhood. So tell your friends and pull on some play clothes!

Melissa is starting us off with a great mosaic project. My kids are going to love this one!! How about yours?

xoxo, MJ

PS. Come on back tomorrow for a thoughtful way to capture this year's school memories for your children. I promise, it's a really good one.


Celebrate the Normal: Makes Me Smile


Hello friends! How was your four-day weekend? Even if you didn't have the joy of total downtime for 96 hours (but who was counting?), we've been apart, and I'm hoping you've had some time to celebrate.

I have some fun surprises headed your way this week including a summertime series beginning tomorrow and continuing every Wednesday with fabulous blogging mommas that you know...

So, I'm rolling Celebrate the Normal to Tuesdays because I could use a little gratitude to start my week off right.

And it never fails, every week, I am happily overcome with the art that comes my way through this series and the moments that you share with all of us. Some new artists have joined the fun this week, and you won't be disappointed by the things that "make me smile" from their points of view.

For my four-day I took Friday off to have some fun in Chicago with family. Despite the cold, we managed a very good time at Navy Pier and putt putt. Time back home was spent with barbecues and gardening, shopping and snuggling.

Here I am being a goof in front of the Museum of Contemporary Art and their giant, rotating installation art. I felt like I owned it.

And I was reminded, as only a great art museum parking lot can show you, that inspiration is found all around, even on the thick columns of garage structures. Here's this week's thought for you, artists:

So, here's to seeing things differently from how they really are - with Makes Me Smile...

It's the most wonderful time of the year...~ Erin

{I Dislike} ... having weeds in the yard/garden. ... but seriously just look at how perfect and delicate, though resilient, the weed really is. ~ Jen at jenmygatt on Instagram

Summer plantings make me smile! ~ teddy4775 on Instagram

Green. On a perfect spring day. ~ Ricky

Such a sleepy puppy #oscargram ~ Paige


Another pretty package ready for shipping tomorrow! ~ Melanie

Funny conversations while enjoying some milk and cookies. This makes me smile. ~ Karen

The product of a great time ~ MJ

Pure joy. My job makes me smile. #blessed ~ Brittani

Wonder Filled Grace. ~ Michelle

I hope that you all will continue (or start) joining us as we appreciate the crazy, messed up, wonderful, normal life around us. You might be surprised by how much the simple gesture of capturing an image can add joy to your every day.

Next week, we're focusing on the goodness right around you:

Have a bright week, everyone. Hope to see you back tomorrow for the grand beginning of something wonderful!

xoxo, MJ

Summer Bucket List

One of my favorite activities to do with my kids? Dreaming. At the ages of 3, 6, and 8, they are specialists in the fantastic, over-the-top story kind of ideas. They also know how to love the simplest activities into wonderment.

This time of year, as school winds down, and the sun stays out longer, we begin making up our summer hit list - all of the fun we want to experience together while we have some time away from the usual routine. I love hearing the activities that make the list every year (bubbles, fireworks, the beach), and I feel that momma twinge that these beauties are growing too fast when I hear about the bigger wishes of seeing the ocean and renting a kayak.

I'm sharing our list again this year, as well as last year's list, in the case that they might inspire some summertime unexpected experiences for you and yours. Also, check back to this post that has oodles of other amazing summer ideas for you to soak in.


Do you have some ideas you're adding to the list? Share them with us!!

xoxo, MJ

P.S. Check out my friend, Amy Allen Clark over at and her 100 Days of Summer series. I love having all of her go-to projects ready for those days when I need something to break up the "Mommy, I'm bored" incantations.

Celebrate the Normal: This is my life

Hola, friends. It's Wednesday of a short week around here. We're off to Chicago for a bit of the holiday weekend to celebrate C's 6th birthday. She's a huge fan of Navy Pier so off we go this Friday!

What are you doing for the holiday weekend?

Even if you're not taking any grand trips, promise to celebrate the ordinary moments.

“And while it takes courage to achieve greatness, it takes more courage to find fulfillment in being ordinary. For the joys that last have little relationship to achievement, to standing one step higher on the victory platform. What is the adventure in being ordinary? It is daring to love just for the pleasure of giving it away. It is venturing to give new life and to nurture it to maturity. It is working hard for the pure joy of being tired at the end of the day. It is caring and sharing and giving and loving…” ~ Marilyn Thomsen

This is my life. My wish come true. ~ MJ

Looking up when things are looking down. ~ Paige

Man, I need a drink. ~ Marilynn

Random love notes from Hubs after a rough day. This is my life. ~ MyLittleAddiction

Gearing up for ice cream cone days on Cape Ann. ~ Joy

Sometimes you just need to take a day off. ~ Brittani

Enjoying a peaceful cup of coffee with just the birds and my chimes for company. ~ H at teddy4775 on Instgram

The boy on his bike ~ Julia

Teacher Appreciation Week begins today for us. Celebrating some special people. ~ Theresa

Water drops on leaf / so fresh and clear, round, and bright / gives life to nature ~ Jen as JenMygatt on Instagram


Gigantic thank yous to the incredible artists who joined the party this week. You embody Marilyn's words, "daring to love just for the pleasure of giving it away."

I hope you'll snap a few shots of your week ahead and tag them with #celebratethenormal.

Next week we're going head first into joy with the theme:

xoxo, MJ

Summer Reset

Hey y'all. It's almost here. It's almost summer. Spring is the happy harbinger of summer.

And summer is extraordinary here in the Midwest. It is the time of year that color fills every view, and the warmth of the sun melts away the memories of the gray that surround us the remainder of the year. This summer I'll be hitting the reset button, finding space to bask in childhood alongside my kiddos, take some time to party, and give myself the space to create and rest. But I'll be doing it in the midst of a busy professional life (our busiest time is always the summer) so we're in this together to hold each other accountable.

Pars Caeli is following along so welcome to our new regularly scheduled time for summer blog posts! If you're following me over on Twitter, you read my easy breezy announcement to stretch weekends to four days (oh, how I wish I actually had that power). Beginning this week and continuing into the beginning of the school year, I'll post every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Sometimes you just need a Friday away from social media and devices...and then maybe you need a Monday, off, too. :)

I'm excited to show you all I have in store for the summer edition of Pars Caeli. Fresh ideas for Mommy and Daddy School, family bookclub, a new craft/DIY series with some amazing bloggers you know, a whole lot of adventures, and even a few surprises are coming at you - bam, bam, bam!

Right now we're in the midst of dreaming up one of these. Wanna make one for yourself or your family this summer?

Celebrate the Normal photo post continues tomorrow so don't forget to add #celebratethenormal to your photos on Instagram and Twitter. Sparkles and new life coming your way...

xoxo, MJ

How do I tell you this? I think I have a blog.

If you suddenly started an expansive button collection, consisting of the most majestic, sparkling, and extraordinary buttons, ones that make you proud to collect buttons and including a handful of, you know, mediocre ones you started with... Would you tell your friends? Take pictures of them with fun hashtags?

What if you started a blog, including a year full of posts that include your ideas, ramblings, projects, and collaborations, ones that make you proud to be a writer/designer/photographer/artist as well as a handful of posts that make you say, "Meh."  Would you share it with your family? Send them links to the posts that are your fave?

Do the real people in my life know I have a blog?

Do they read it?

Over the last year, I have thought about this first question - a lot. I began this blog to keep me actively creating, not necessarily to keep in touch with people I know or bring myself any level of attention (though I do love me a great big page view at the end of the day).

For the first few weeks of blogging I told only my husband about this new thing. Then I sent a Facebook message to a dozen girlfriends who I thought might be willing to read and follow along. Next I told my parents - admittedly a little heeby-jeeby'd that they'd be seeing all of this, in my very mature 30-something way.

It took me a bit to send the blog address along to my closest friends. Why? I'm not completely sure, but at first, this new adventure was easier to share with strangers than people who loved me. If a random person rejects me or, worse, is just disinterested by my blog, that won't hurt so much.

Well, over the year-and-some that I've opened Pars Caeli, it's become very much a part of my creative process, my inside jokes, my free time (what?), and my joy. And now it's kinda weird that everyone in my life doesn't know about it. But how do you casually bring up, "Oh, I have a blog. And, yes, I post something daily, sometimes a few times a week. Uh, yes, I've been doing this for an entire year. Did I not mention this?"

But honestly? The really brilliant part of this reveal experience is that I've been met with only support.

And that little boost or sometimes big bounce like the one that comes from your boss with jokes like, "you're going to be famous," or statements like "what can we do to help you grow?" ... well, those moments are the cups of crisp, cold water on my overheated, stewing mind. Never underestimate the power of support in the early buds of creativity.

So, friends, I've got a blog. It's not an easy conversation starter, but here it is.

And here are the whole spectrum of answers to this question from charming blogger pals of mine:

Do the real people in your life know about your blog? Do they read it?

xoxo, MJ

PS. Head on over to Twitter and follow all of these lovely tweeple because they are good and decent enough to respond thoughtfully to this request of their time. xo

Celebrate the Normal: At This Moment

How's your normal life going, friend? Whether it's been a star-struck amazing or a week of the worsts, we're going to try to celebrate it here.

Pars Caeli has been described as a warm, positive spot on the internet, and I hope that it will always be so for you and those special people in your life (to whom you send this lovely URL). But I never want it to be a spot where we ignore the rain and the clouds just to get to the sunshine.

Fact is for many of us, and many more throughout the world, normal can be a sad or frightening reality.

The deeper I go into this series, the more I realize just how amazing my ordinary is. Peek into my everyday, and it's a bit ho hum with work, shuttling children, cleaning (or skipping) dishes, etc.

But the two new freckles that C developed on her beautiful, clear face... those are extraordinary.

And the indescribable color of the tulips...

That squirrel's expression while he munches on his snack...

Well, you get the idea. The moments when I can Celebrate the Normal, well, they don't take away the worry, the pain, the sadness that is also a part of the normal.

But these moments do offer layers. The hurts we feel are not one dimensional and neither are our joys. They each fit together in some way in the story that is uniquely ours.

So why not celebrate when we can?

"Rejoicing in ordinary things is not sentimental or trite. It actually takes guts." ― Pema Chödrön

At this moment I'm contemplating the name of this color yellow. ~Paige

Specs, red lips, and a floral ~ MJ

What do you do at the end of a busy day? Eat mud of course. ~ Marilynn

Grateful. Taking a much needed breath of fresh air. ~Melanie

sunset view... at this moment. ~Brittani

To all the hardworking, beautiful mamas ... Have a wonderful day! ~Theresa

Three babies! 1 sleeping, 2 ready for food. ~ Meagan

{Wild Berry Blossom} There were a lot of either wild raspberry or blackberry bushes along the Greenway Trail this afternoon. ~ Jen (jenmygatt on Instagram)

I'm looking for a furry friend to add to our little family. (This one's already taken.) ~ Joy

Huge thanks for all of this week's artists. I love seeing all that you bring to this project!!

Next week we'll feature photos that encapsulate your life. Bring it on!! Let the snapping begin.

xoxo, MJ

The Temptation of Photoshop

                                The Beauty Stretched Canvas

The Beauty by Kavan & Co available at Society 6

Sometimes I see better with my eyes closed. I find this to be especially true when looking at myself. In my mind's eye, my image is just as I remember it and still see it in my wedding photos, now ten years old.

When I open my eyes, I get really specific. I zero in on that new blemish under my nose. I focus on the wrinkles in my brow that grow deeper. I remember that figure drawing class where I discovered just how uneven my features are and that my face gets so wide when I smile.

My image is a pleasant one. I know this from years of reassurance, compliments, and love from those I hold most dear. I am blessed to have been given all that I have. And, yet, I can make it all seem so much less than when I look with my eyes open.

The blogging/social media world has challenged me in all new ways. Posting new avatars and profile pictures comes with the territory. "Selfies" pop up and tagged images make their way back to your page.

And since I can - the temptation to Photoshop is always there. I can retouch, smudge, and erase.

I took pictures with my children on Mother's Day. After everyone was settled into bed, I opened the images in my photo editor. I selected an image that I loved of my daughter and me. I magnified the image, and proceeded to brush off the bags under my eyes, click off the pimple on my chin, and smooth/smudge my brow. I then zoomed out of the image, ready to be pleased with the final photograph.

Instead, I hit the control Z to undo. It didn't work. I could not undo these changes in my appearance.

In my altered snapshot, I looked strangely morphed, slick, and odd. Who was this?

Turned off by this image, I clicked to the next photo of me (bags, lines, and all) and the image of me was much more approachable, warm, and human.

I realized that the bags under my eyes actually make my eyes sparkle a bit and bring prominence to my cheekbones. And that I look more like my children in my natural state, and I find them refreshingly beautiful. And, honestly, my smoothed appearance aged me more.

Editing or correcting took away the beauty that I expect to see in the mirror but rarely recognize. Or perhaps I should say, more fittingly, the beauty I rarely appreciate.

For my daughters and son. For my husband who's always given me the nickname, "Beautiful." For me and my inner joy and satisfaction.

I will look for the sparkle and the beauty before I find the fault. I'm still an artist; I still see the shadows, but I wll not let them define the final impression.

And I will use Photoshop... only sparingly. :)

xoxo, MJ

P.S. Join in the Love Yourself Linkup hosted by Anne, every Tuesday. You'll be surprised how much love comes back your way.






Make It: Washi Tape Frames

Hi there, lovelies. It's wonderful to have you back here again. I missed you at the end of last week, but I promise I've been working some magic behind the scenes to move Pars Caeli to a new level of fabulous.

I had a wonderful birthday - thanks for all the wishes - that was topped off by a fantastic performance of Wicked. Though I'd heard the music and read the book, it was my first time seeing the musical, and I loved it!! Many other special, special moments continued throughout the weekend and into Mother's Day.


I have definitely grown into motherhood and grown from motherhood. Lately as they are now 3, 5, and 8, I find myself staring at my kiddos, amazed at the people they are becoming. Where did these lovely souls come from, and how did I get so lucky to share in life with them? I'm not sure, but I am most definitely humbled and grateful.

And on that note, I have an easy DIY I want to share with you. I made these cheeky notecards with vinyl letters last week that I'm stuffing in packages headed out to some of my favorite bloggers who joined in For the Love of Blogging series.

One of my favorite parts to these bundles are some sacred words.

These inspirational quotes come directly from the writers themselves.

I wanted to create something special for these writers, photographers, artists, and stylists. And as any crafter knows, washi tape is the most forgiving medium around so I was able to adjust and rework the prints as I wanted.


Here's what you need: cardboard, fun paper, glue, washi tape, and a bulldog clip for hanging.

I treasure the words these bloggers shared with me. And I hope they treasure their own words in the same way. Sometimes we discount our own wisdom, don't we? I think with these prints around, it will be a lot harder to do!!


STEP 1: Design your print. Load paper. Print.

STEP 2: Trim print and cardboard to the same size. These are 5x7 but make them in any size you'd like.

STEP 3: Glue paper to cardboard. I used rubber cement just because I love it.


STEP 4: Add washi accents. Make sure that you use the washi tape around the edge to combine the cover the cardboard/paper seam.

STEP 5: Add a washi either right next to the framed edge or a bit closer into the center for more of a matted look.

STEP 6: Attach a bulldog clip for hanging!


Have you ever framed your own words?

xoxo, MJ

P.S. A brand new Celebrate the Normal is headed your way on Wednesday; don't forget to tag your photos. And, I'll be joining in Anne's Love Yourself in a special Tuesday post tomorrow. Hint: The temptations of Photoshop.