Nine days into the 12 Blogger Christmas, and today I'm giving you one of my very favorites (I mean..they're all my favorites, but...). Joy is so aptly named, and I've been blessed to work on a number of great projects with her. Remember Turn It posts? Or our most recent adventure with Pennies for Love?
In the last year, Joy has made some amazing projects for You Are My Fave as well as opening up her own styling and photography biz, and she is going to take the world by storm in 2014.
I'm lucky to collaborate with her and blessed to call her friend.
I started Frock Files because I wanted a place to be creative and to store creative inspiration within my own parameters. The blog has grown into a much deeper undertaking, in large part because of the friendships I've made with other bloggers along the way. These friends push me to expect more of myself and encourage me just by letting me know they're excited to see what's next.
Frock Files is all about simple ways to create more beauty in your life. I love eating delicious food, dressing up, and making pretty things, and those things are important to me, but in the end it's the experiences in my life -- spending time with great people -- that matter most. So my blog is all about finding easy ways to cook, craft, and get dolled up, so you have more time to do the things you really want to do. My husband and I joke that it's literally a blog about having your cake and eating it too.
Aside from Frock Files, I write about beauty for My Thirty Spot. I also have a photography site called Frock, and I'll be teaching the food styling and photography workshop in a few weeks at Altitude Summit.
A Care Package From Paris! from Joy Uyeno on Vimeo.
How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others:

My big hope is for my blog to continue to grow and evolve in interesting ways, while maintaining a genuine spirit of friendship. I'm working on some ideas for the coming months that involve bringing some of the focus to a local level, highlighting independent businesses here in New England, and elsewhere when we travel. I hope that keeping things fresh for both me and my readers is what will allow the blog to thrive.

On the ninth day of Christmas, Pars Caeli gave to me Frock Files.
On the eighth day of Christmas, Pars Caeli gave to me Design Improvised.
On the seventh day of Christmas, Pars Caeli gave to me Bring Joy.
On the sixth day of Christmas, Pars Caeli gave to me Minnow + Co.
On the fifth day of Christmas, Pars Caeli gave to me Donuts, Dresses, and Dirt.
On the fourth day of Christmas, Pars Caeli gave to me Design + Life + Kids.
On the third day of Christmas, Pars Caeli gave to me Design Stitch Go.
On the second day of Christmas, Pars Caeli gave to me Trouvé Magazine.
And Lulu the Baker !
P.S. Coming to you tomorrow an artist, musician, and conversationalist extraordinaire.
P.P.S. Today's #30Sketch