Hi friends! We've landed ourselves in June already. And June and July spell SUMMMER!! I am so ready for the easy breezes, pool time, tons of watermelon, even the smell of sunscreen. My children finish school this week, and this is the first week of a very full summer work schedule for me.
So my time to tend to Celebrate the Normal shrunk all too quickly this week. Nevertheless, some great artists captured the normal beauty found all around us. Enjoy and savor.
Beauty is all around. ~ Brittani
Relaxing. Cross Stitching. Me time. ~ Melanie
Watching the ships roll in. And then watch 'em roll away again. ~ Mojo
Enjoying my view. ~ Jill
A reminder that we're doing big things, which are both possible and worth it. ~ Joy
Floating flowers from the garden make me happy! ~ teddy4775 on Instagram
Glimpses of summer. It will be here soon! ~ Theresa
After finally taking off the baby swing, this big girl managed flips with no problem. ~ MJ
A perk of living a mile from the zoo/conservatory ~ Julia
Pure Michigan ~ MariaRom15 on Instagram
{Water} ...a morning dew drop caught in the leaf of one of our Sugar Snap Pea plants. ~ Jen at JenMygatt on Instagram
As many of embark on a summer filled with activities, full days and full schedules, I'm hoping we remember that it's time. It's always the right time to celebrate. Life is very normal most days, and we rarely appreciate the many normal blessings around us until they go away.
So I'm scheduling in some time to really taste that grilled flavor on my corn on the cob before I rush off to get the kids ready for baths. And I'm going to laugh more heartily over my husband's jokes, that he's concocted just for my amusement. And I'm going to squeeze my kiddos a little longer and a little tighter because I feel those minds and bodies growing with each passing day.
Celebrating the normal because, as I've heard before, the stuff of your normal days (even your really bad days) are the makings of someone else's dreams.
Next week we're showing off the summertime all around us. What does normal summer joy look like?
Thank you, thank you, wonderful artists!!! Some moments I want to crawl inside your photos and celebrate the normal on your side. :)
xoxo, MJ